[Corbridge 108 of 146]


Parish of Corbridge
Sheet 95 Plan 1

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Milk Well Lane Milk Well Lane Mr Wm Walker About 3 chains west An ordinary township road leading from
Milk Well Lane Mr Joseph Atkin of Corbridge Pottery the turnpike road by the Milk Well to
Milk Well Lane Mr Thomas Blandford the Cor Burn where it takes the name
of Leazes Lane
Deadridge Lane Deadridge Lane Mr Wm Walker About 20 chains SE A bridle and cart road situated
Deadridge Lane Mr Joseph Atkin of Corbridge Pottery near the Dead Ridge
Deadridge Lane Mr M Dodd
Dead Ridge Dead Ridge Mr Wm Walker About 20 chains SE A ridge or eminence on which interments
Dead Ridge Mr Joseph Atkin of Corbridge Pottery are supposed to have been made after executions on Gallow
Dead Ridge Mr M Dodd or gallas hill & &
Felix Gillespie
Civil Assistant

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Transcribed by CC and SMH

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