[Chollerton 102b of 160]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
"Before descending to this F[ord?] he must notice a Still more
ancient perfect work of some ancient defences of this pass
it is on the top of the Whinstone Rocks. Called the Blue Crags
is about 800 yards north of Colwell and 700 yards East of
our Road. Naturally it is an isolated Mass of Whinstone of
about an acre, in the form of a wedge, the back and
sides offering natural defences, and the edge stoutly defended
by a Rampart of Stones, the upper part is divided from the
lower by a Continuation of this Rampart of Stones, and within the
upper Division are several circles of Stones of about 25 fe
or 30 feet in diameter similar to what we have seen on
Ingleborough in Yorkshire and Carn Engley in Pembrokeshire
which are supposed to be British Camps. Immediately on the
North of this Camp is a Smaller and less strong one on
Green Crag having similar marks of occupation though
not as extensive or perfect, and on the East are other Signs
of occupation or dwellings."
McLauchlans Memoir of the
Watling Street

Note: 102b is unsigned

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Transcribed by PT

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