[Chollerton 102a of 160]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Camps Camps Mr. Stephenson Colwell About 68 Chs S.W. The British remains situated
(Remains of) (Remains of) of Colwell Fell on the top of a commanding eminence
Camps, (Remains of) Mr. Burn Schoolmaster Colwell Called Blue Crags is naturally
Camps Mr. Walton Barrasford defended by a Steep rocky dean
(Remains of) on the North & East Sides & by
a very Steep rocky edge on the
West side. the upper part is divided
by the lower by a rampart of
Stones about 28 ft Thick which
is now nearly level with the
surface, within the upper part
are the remains of several circular
buildings about 40 links in diameter
& about 18 inches in height above
the surface Immediately to the
North of this are other British remains but not so formidable
The remains on Green Crag which is a flofty eminence is
naturally defended by a very Steep rocky edge on the
North side & the other sides by a rampart of earth and stones which [???]
Stands now about 2 ft above the surface. On the east of this are three
British remains more perfect but Situated on much lower ground

Note: 102a is unsigned

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Transcribed by PT

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