[Chillingham 21 of 26]


Parish of Chillingham Sheet 25.4 Trace 1 and 2

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Camp Camp (remains of) On Sheet The remains of ancient camp on the
(Remains of) 25.4 West of Hebburn Wood, Lord Tankerville’s
bailiff, Mr Hardy, Knows nothing about it,
and no Authority can be got for it, but it is
quite plain & visible on the ground.
Hebburn Hepburn Wood Hebburn Wood, or Mr Thos Smith, farmer, Newtown On Sheets A considerable tract of wood, chiefly natural
Hepburn Wood Mr Wm Hardy, bailiff, Chillingham 20.16 & forest, extending from Bewick Folly, to near
Rt Hon. The Earl of Tankerville 25.4 Hepburn, occupying the abrupt western face
Hebburn See Parish Name List Page 5 of a ridge of low hills, and having many
walks or Shooting roads through it. It ab-
ounds with game, especially pheasants.
Lord Tankerville has ordered it to be
Spelled Hepburn.
Hepburn Moor Hepburn Moor Mr Hardy Steward On Sheet A Considerable tract of moorland,
Chillingham Situated on the Farm of Hepburn
Mr Nicholas Rogers-Farmer the property of the Earl of
Aimersidelaw Tankerville.
Geo. Anderson, Shepherd
Robert Young
Corporal Royal Engineers

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Transcribed by JMCN and SW

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