[Chillingham 11 of 26]


Parish of Chillingham Sheet 20.16 Trace 3,4

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Ross Castle Ross Castle Right Hon., The Earl of Tankerville On Sheet A considerable hill at the head of
Ros. Castle McKenzie’s History Northumberland p 391. 20:16 Chillingham Park on the top of which
Camp Raz Castle Tythe Map & Vicar of Chillingham there is an irregular entrenchment, or
(Remains of) & Camp (remains of) Camp said to be of British origin.
Ros Castle Whites Directory Vol.II. P 502 Lord Tankerville gives the former Spelling
which is generally used in the district.
Cock Law Cock Law Mr Wm Hardy. bailiff to Ld Tankerville On Sheet A small plantation near the southern boundary
Jno Mechie Gamekeeper Hebburn Lodge 20:16 wall of Chillingham Park
Hebburn Hebburn White’s Directory Vol:II P.502 On Sheet A good farmhouse & hamlet also a town
Hepburn Hebburn List of Co Voters 20:16 ship, about 1 mile S.E. of Chillingham,
Hebburn or Rev Mr Dodd. Vicar. Chillingham the property of Lord Tankerville
Hepburn Mr Wm Hardy, bailiff to Ld Tankerville All these authorities give the name
Mr Wm Boyne Farmer Hebburn Bell, as Hebburn, But Lord Tankerville
Mr Thos Smith Farmer Newtown gives it Hepburn and has caused
Mr Whellans Hist. Northld p 681 the finger posts on the estate to be altered
Tythe Map of Chillingham. to Hepburn, as the correct name.
Estate map in Mr Boyne’s possession.
Hebburn See Parish name List P.5
Robert Young
Corporal Royal Engineers

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Transcribed by JMCN and SW

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