[Chatton 13 of 82]


Parish of Chatton Sheet 15.11

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
South Hazelrigg South Hazelridge James Robertson – Tenant On Sheet A farm house two storeys high, having
South Hazelridge B. Nicholson – N. Hazelridge 15.11 out-buildings, Garden, and a farm
South Hazelridge Edwd Wilson – Old Lyham of arable, and Moorland attached
Hazelrigg See Parish News List the property of Captn Leyland
Old Hazelrigg Old Hazelridge James Robertson – Tenant On Sheet This name applies to several cottages
Old Hazelridge B. Nicholson – N. Hazelridge 15.11 situated on the farm of South Hazelrigg
Old Hazelridge Edwd Nicholson – Old Lynam the property of Captn Leyland –
Hazelrigg See Parish Name List North and South Hazelrigg – farmhouses –
Page 9 formerly stood here, hence the name.
Tower Tower James Robertson – Tenant On Sheet Nothing now remains of this buiding
(Remains of) (remains of) 15.11 but part of the vaulted foundation
Tower B. Nicholson – N. Hazelridge which is square, and said to have
(remains of) been used as a place of defence, during
Tower Edwd Wilson – Old Lyham the border wars.
(remains of)
John Callanan
2nd Corporal Royal Engineers

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Transcribed by JW and LF

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