[Bywell St Peter 172 of 200]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
but about 90 yards on the south of it, in the angle formed by the turnpike road
and the lane running southwest as the Boundary between the Riding and Corbridge,
is a tumulus having much the appearance of being artificial placed at a bend in
the Watling Street, and commanding a view of Corbridge; About 50 yards on the south
of Farnley farm house the Watling Street again appears branching off as it were from
the turnpike road. traces of it may be seen in the fields opposite the houses, where the
tenant described the quantity of stones he has taken from it. It continues its course at
about 100 yards from the turnpike road, on the south of it, till we arrive at Tinkler Bank
where it is about 175 yards to the south, and at about 330yards beyond the turn down
the declivity to Corbridge the Watling Street crosses the turnpike road diagonally and in
a graceful curve descends the only easy declivity along the precipitous bank of
the River Tyne. It seems to have crossed the turnpike road from Corbridge to Hexham,
where the road leaves it to Dilston Hall, and is there lost in the alluvial soil, but
between Farnley and this last point the course was pointed out satisfactorily by
the tenant who has observed it in cultivating the fields and by the person who drained
the land (Messrs Joseph Lee & Thomas Harle.)"
"About half a mile above Corbridge Bridge are some remains of
an ancient Bridge on the south bank, and to these remains the course of the road
seems to tend but no traces whatever now can be seen of it."

Note: Unsigned No Header

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Transcribed by TH

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