[Bywell St Peter 171 of 200]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
as a ridge crossing the road from Broomley to Shotley about 150 yards from the turn off.
The line of bearing where the Watling Street joins the road at the turn off to Raw House is
continued along the present road to the town and straight forward down Whiteside Wood where
traces are still to be seen, into an angle of the turnpike road, about 250 yards above the
turnpike gate. Between this and the gate the road seems to cross our line which apparently made
a slight curve into the valley to pass the brook running probably on the west of the
turnpike house, under the school, and close to the small footbridge, if not over it, skirting
the building on the west of the Riding Mills, and by a similar curve regains its line at
the horse trough where the turnpike road crosses it again; and some traces of it may be
seen in the meadow, north of the Mill, opposite the road leading to the Riding Mill Station
on the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway. Its course thence at the back of the buildings of
Riding House on the east of the present road was pointed out by Thomas March who has long
worked on the farm, and has heard from old people the quantity of stones removed from the line.
It runs straight to the turnpike house at Farnley; and about a furlong before it
reaches that place, its line may be traced across a small rill, where the ground on each side
of it is damp and discoloured, as if the deep lying drain of the road still performs
its office after a lapse of so many centuries: near this we saw it cut a trench to
drain the fields, imperfect but distinguishable. It is necessary to be thus particular
as Armstrong in his Map has carried it further to the westward."
it will be seen from this that the road makes a slight
curve to the westward to cross the Riding Mill Brook or Dipton Burn, and does
not assume its straight course till it has been crossed for some distance by the
present road." Our road joins the turnpike road about 330 yards before we
reach the gate. At Farnley turnpike gate there is no trace of the Watling Street;

Note: Unsigned No Header

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Transcribed by TH

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