[Bywell St Peter 170 of 200]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
surrounded the ancient residence, called, as we are informed by Mr Grey, Whittingstall, alias
"Quittingstall". These remains are on the high part of the hill, and about 200 yards from
Watling Street, the spot was recently called the Hall. The road at Whittonstall attains
the height of 720 feet above the sea.
About a mile – instead of half a mile , as stated by Horsley – from Whittonstall, "is a
remarkable turn" in the Watling Street; "and at this turn," on the west side, at a distance of
about 30 yards from the road,"is an exploratory fort of above 30 yards square,the situation of it
is high, and the prospect very large;" towards the North; "and near it is a tumulus, which
I found to consist mostly of stones covered in green turf." This tumulus has been removed
FORT but the fort is still traceable, though since the enclosure of the common, the plough has nearly
obliterated it. The spot is called Castle Hill. The Way, which from Whittonstall had run
straight, changes its bearings considerably, and apparently takes lower ground unnecessarily
to rise again, but an examination of the brook in advance will show that the precipitous
part of the bank would have offered very considerable difficulties in a straight line. In
crossing the Stocksfield brook the present road appears to be about 30 yards below the
Watling Street. which seems to run straight from the fort, to the high ground between the
two brooks, and thence with a fresh bearing to the turn off to Hindley farm where a part
of it may still be seen in the present Road. At this turn off the Watling Street takes a
new direction bearing a little more North;and at the next small brook the present road
is wholly on the west of the line; and at about 110 yards in advance it leaves the Watling
Street, which continues the straight line across the fields, as pointed out by Mr Angus
of Broomley, and some old residents on the spot. This part of the line passed about
260 yards south west of Broomley Farm house, at its nearest point and may be seen

Note: Unsigned No Header

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Transcribed by TH

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