[Bywell St Peter 169 of 200]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Watling Street Watling Street John Fewster The Road runs in a Extracts from a Memoir of a Survey of the
ROMAN ROAD Watling Street Revd Richd Marshall N. Westerly direction through Watling Street, Durham & Northumberland
(Site of) Watling Street Edward Hunter the Parish, & the description by Mr Machlauchlan.
Watling Street Maclauchlan’s Memoir of applies to its whole "crossing the Derwent , we enter
Watling Street extent in the Parish. Northumberland on the Derwentwater property.
Where it crosses the Derwent, appears as little
known on the north side as on the south.
We reach an ascent about 400 yards from
the stream where there are now faint traces
of a stoney ridge – Mr Cuthbert Surtees of
Newcastle stated that an altar was found
on this spot about 60 years ago.
From the ascent before mentioned
the road makes a bend to Whittonstall, and
ran straight, apparently to a slight increase
in the ascent about 1500 yards forward and
thence by a very gentle bend to the westward
straight into Whittonstall. It is visible
where it crosses the present road and enters
the wood called East Woody Pasture, at
the west corner of the field called Holywell
Field, the blacksmith at Newlands points
it out crossing his fields about 100 yards to
the east of the Forge joining the present road
at the turn off th to Headley Mill."
At Whittonstall the present road and Watling Street are
presumed to be the same through the Village, and at the
North end both make a bend to the Eastward, to ease the descent,
indeed the pavement is still visible all the way
up at intervals, as well as in the Village.
At Whittonstall are the remains of a trench and rampart, which

Note: Unsigned No Header

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Transcribed by TH

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