[Blyth 5 of 34]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Catherine Street Catherine Street Name on house South West side of A row of indifferent houses
Catherine Street Mr John Colvin Crofton Mills occupied by Pitmen
Catherine Street Mr Lionel Aynsley
Cowpen Square Cowpen Square Mr John Colvin 150 Links North from A lot of old Brick Houses built for &
Cowpen Square Mr Lionel Aynsley Crofton Mills occupied by the Pitmen employed in
Cowpen Square Mr Richard Short Cowpen Colliery
Cowpen Square White’s Directory
Greenland Row Greenland Row Mr John Colvin North West End of So named by its occupiers the Colliers, owing
Greenland Row Mr Lionel Aynsley Cowpen Square to its being exposed to the severe blasts of Winter
Greenland Row Mr Richard Short from the River Blyth & German Ocean. The houses
are old & of an indifferent appearance
J. Considine
Sapper Royal Engineers

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Transcribed by LF

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