[Bellingham 7 of 170]


Sheet 59 Plan 4 Bellingham Parish

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Blackburn Common Mr J G Gillespie of Gatehouse In the North A large tract of rough & heather pasture
Blackburn Common Mr Thompson of High Green of the Parish land
Blackburn Common Mr Foster of Sundaysight See 60/1
Belling Rigg Bellioning CragRigg Mr J G Gillespie of Gatehouse Forty six chains A hill of tolerable size & elevation
Bellioning CragRigg Mr Thompson of High Green south west of
Bellioning CragRigg Mr Henderson of High Green Heslop Craig
Belling Rigg Revd. John Bateson Rectory Thorneyburn
Heslop Crag Heslop Crag Mr Thompson of High Green Forty six chains A slightly elevated piece of land
Heslop Crag Mr J G Gillespie of Gatehouse north east of with nothing remarkable in its features
Heslop Crag Mr Henderson of High Green Bellionng Craig A long eminence with scattered
loose rocks on the west end
of it situated in Blackburn Common
The name is applied here to a shill
feature and not the rocks.

Note: Unsigned

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Transcribed by KF

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