[Bellingham 4 of 170]


Sheet 51 Plan 13 Bellingham Parish

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Broad Sike Broad Sike Mr Thompson of High Green Thirty seven chains A narrow, winding stream, flowing
Broad Sike Mr Henderson of High Green south west of Whin into the Tarret Burn
Broad Sike Mr J.G Gillespie of Gatehouse Role
Whin Role Whin Role Mr Thompson of High Green Ten chains north A whinstone quarry
(Quarry) Whin Role Mr J Beattie of Gib Shiel of Peadon Strand
Whin Role Mr J G Gillespie of Gatehouse
Peadon Strand Peadon Strand Mr Thompson of High Green Ten chains south A narrow winding stream having its source
Peadon Strand Mr J G Gillespie of Gatehouse of Whin Role from a spring called Peadon Well on Peadon
Peadon Strand Mr Henderson of High Green Hill and flowing into the Tarret Burn
Tarret Burn Tarret Burn Mr Thompson of High Green Ten chains west of This is a stream of somewhat important
Tarret Burn Mr J G Gillespie of Gatehouse Whin Role dimensions, flowing into the Tarset Burn
Tarret Burn Mr Henderson of High Green
North Peadon North Peadon Mr Thompson of High Green Forty chains east A hill of considerable size and
North Peadon Mr J G Gillespie of Gatehouse of Whin Role commanding elevation.
North Peadon Mr Henderson of High Green

Note: Unsigned

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Transcribed by KF

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