[Belford 12 of 73]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
White Hill White Hill Estate map On Sheet An oblong hill feature in
White Hill Mr. William Bowey 12.14 an arable field adjoining
White Hill Mr. William Elliot the beach, and on the farm
White Hill Mr. Ralph Nisbet, Tenant of Elwick.
Whitelee Letch Whitelee Letch Mr. William Bowey On sheet A small portion of the
Whitelee Letch Mr. John Mathison 12.14 Foreshore, where a small
Whitelee Letch Mr. John Cornet stream, issuing from drains
Whitelee Letch Mr. Robt Ried spreads its water over the
Sand and gravel – at the
north-est end of White Hill –
Altho, that the Authorities
persist, that "Whitelee" is correct,
I am under the impression that
it is only a Contraction of
White Hill, pronounced –
White’ll, and through time
changed to Whitelee.
Cathangings Letch Cathangings Letch Same Authorities On Sheet A small portion of
12.14 the Fore Shore, a short distance
northwest of "White Hill,"where a
small stream spreads its water
over the sand & gravel – Derivation

Note: No heading; unsigned

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Transcribed by KF

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