[Bamburgh 90 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
The Parsonage The Parsonage Revd. Mr, Simpson (Incumbent) On Sheet A very neat house, situated
The Parsonage John Railston Esqr. 17.14 on the west side of the Church,
The Parsonage Mr H.D. Jackson and built, in the Norman
style of architecture, having
garden, good offices, and
small enclosure attached.
It is The property of the
Incumbent for the time
being. Now occupied by the
Revd. Mr. Simpson.
St Paul’s Church St. Paul’s Revd. Mr, Simpson (Incumbent) On Sheet A very handsome edifice
(Per. Curacy) St. Paul’s John Railston Esqr. 17.14 in the true Normal style
St. Paul’s Mr H.D. Jackson of architecture, erected in 1833
St. Paul’s Church Parish Name List P.41 and is seated for about 300.
(Per. Curacy) It was formed into a District
Church for Ecclesiastical
purposes in 1841. The living is,
a perpetual Curacy, in the Arch
-deaconry of Lindisfarne, and,
deanery of Bamburgh, Patron
the perpetual Curate of
Bamburgh.Incumbent Revd’ Mr. Simpson.

Note: No heading; unsigned

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Transcribed by HL

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