[Bamburgh 78 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
[#] Longstone Closes Estate Map. A small district, comprising
Longstone Closes John Railson Esqr three arable fields, on the
Longstone Closes Revd. W Orde, Owner farm of "Shoreston Hall"
Not to be written on the Plan. and situate on the south
east side of "Moss Close".
It is The property of the Revd.
W. Orde, Shoreston Hall.
Springhill Springhill Revd. W Orde, Owner See Sheet A neat house, having
Springhill Mr R. E. Huggup 17.13 extensive farm offices, hinds
Springhill Mr H.Thompson Westfield houses, with gardens attached
The whole, are of recent erection
and are The property of, and
in the occupation of the Revd
W Orde.
Westfield Westfield Revd. W Orde, Owner See Sheet A neat farmhouse
Mr R. E. Huggup 17.13 having suitable offices
Mr H.Thompson Westfield hinds houses, with gardens
attached. it is Situated a
short distance southeast of
"Springhill" and about a mile
west of the village of N.Sunderland.
It is The property of the Trustees of the
Late Lord Crewe

Note: No heading; unsigned

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Transcribed by HL

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