[Bamburgh 58 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Copy Well Copy Well Revd. Mr. Orde See Sheet A well, of excellent, spring-
Copy Well R.G. Huggup Esqr. 17.9 -water, in an arable field
Copy Well John Railston Esqr. about 30 chains W.south-
-west of "Shoreston Hall".
It gives name to a small
district, known as "Copy-
-well Fields" (Origin of
name unknown)
Fowberry Fowberry Revd. Mr. Orde See Sheet A small, farmhouse,
Fowberry R.G. Huggup Esqr. 17.9 having, suitable offices, garden
Fowberry John Railston Esqr. and an arable farm, of about
64 acres attached. It is the property
of the Parishioners of Bamburgh
24 of whom let it, and the rents
are received, by the Incumbent
and Churchwardens, and are
applied, to all the uses of a
church Rate, but, nothing being
laid out of it for repairs of the
Chancel, or north, or south cross
Aisles, which are private property.
There is not a single, Deed, or Document in the
Parish, to show how, they became possessed of this

Note: No heading; unsigned

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Transcribed by HL and DW

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