[Bamburgh 56 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Shoreston Cottage Shoreston Cottage Mr John Thompson (Occupier) See Sheet A neat, small, dwelling, having
Shoreston Cottage R.G. Huggup Esqr. 17.9 a garden, and smith’s work-
Shoreston Cottage Revd. Mr Orde. -shop, attached, it was erected
in 1858, by the Trustees, of the
late Lord Crewe, as a Black-
-smith’s residence and workshop.
Clashope Bridge Clashope Bridge Mr John Thompson (Occupier) See Sheet A small Conduit, across
Clashope Bridge R.G. Huggup Esqr. 17.9 "Clashope Burn", on the
Clashope Bridge Revd. Mr Orde. township road, at Shore-
ston Cottage -, Origin of
(Clashope, unknown)
The Green The Green Mr John Thompson (Occupier) See Sheet A small district on the
The Green R.G. Huggup Esqr. 17.9 west side of Shoreston Hall
The Green Revd. Mr Orde. Comprising 4 small enclosures
in one of which, there, is an
oblong mound, said to be a Tu
-mulus, similar to those, in Copy
Well Fields – Contiguous
The old Village of Shoreston, stood here, and this
district – is supposed to have been open, and common to
the inhabitants, and called the Green.

Note: No heading; unsigned

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Transcribed by HL and DW

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