[Bamburgh 48 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Glororum Glororum Estate Map On Sheet A large, And neat farm-
Glororum Mr J. Bolam, Tenant 16.2 house, pleasantly situated
Glororum Mr J. Gillie on an eminence, about a
a mile and 1/4 Southwest
of "Bamburgh Castle", there
are extensive offices, hinds’
houses, good garden, and
large arable farm attached,
It is The property of Greenwich
Bamburgh Fields Bamburgh Fields Estate Map On Sheets Four large arable fields
Bamburgh Fields Mr J. Bolam, Tenant 16.8 & on the farm of "Glororum"
Bamburgh Fields Mr J. Gillie 16.12 and Southeast of the farm
-house. they are entirely bou
-nded by Roads, they have
got this name, from their
joining the township of

Note: No heading; unsigned

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Transcribed by HL and DW

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