[Bamburgh 46 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Bradford Dean Bradford Dean Mr. Robt Tait (Tenant) On Sheets A deep ravine, through
Bradford Dean Mr. John Rogerson (Shepherd) 16.11 which the Warren Burn
Bradford Dean Mr. John Gillie flows. It is planted on each
side, down to the stream,
and bears the name from,
the outbuildings, of "Bradford"
to the Mill Dam, South of
Spindleston Mill.
West Bog West Bog Estate Map On Sheets Two large arable fields
West Bog Mr. John Dinning 16.11 & in the Northwest Corner of
West Bog Mr. Ralph Rutter 16.15 Adderstone Township, the
land of which still retains
its Boggy Nature. It is the
property of Edward Johnstone
Esqr. Tweedbank.
South Hill South Hill Estate Map On Sheet A rocky pasture, eminence of
South Hill Mr. J. Gillie – Tenant 16.11 considerable elevation, and having
South Hill Mr. J. Bolam a small plantation on the west side
It is on the North Side of this hill at the
bottom of a Small Cliff that the "Trough"
of the Laidley Worm is, out of which it used
to bring the milk of 7 cows every morning.

Note: No heading; unsigned

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Transcribed by HL and DW

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