[Bamburgh 44 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Cat Crag Cat Crag Mr. John Gillie On Sheet A very prominent Crag, on
Cat Crag Mr. James Bolam 16.11 "Spindleston Heughs" and which
Cat Crag Mr. William Davidson presents a remarkable feature
Cat Crag Estate Map. in the land scape, when
viewed from the South, as it is,
of Considerable elevation, on
that side, And on the summit
is a large Standing Stone, which
with this, And the remainder
of the Rock, gives it somewhat
the appearance of a Cat, in a
sitting posture, when seen
from a distance (hence the name)
Camp Camp (Remains of) (British) Hutchinson’s View of Northumberland, (1776) On Sheets The remains of an old British
(Remains of) Camp (Remains of) (British) Mr John Gillie. 16.7 & fortification in the form of
Camp (Remains of) (British) Mr George Turnbull. 16.11 Crescent, on "Spindleston Heughs"
It is defended on the north,
and west sides, by a triple
ditch and vallum, and on
the South by a Steep Cliff.
It commands a view to sea
And has in view the Castles of
Holy Island, and Bamburgh
It is still, nearly perfect.

Note: No heading; unsigned

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Transcribed by HL and DW

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