[Bamburgh 40 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Old Danish Burying Ground Mr. William Carr On Sheet An old burying ground in
Burying Ground Mr. Hugh Ross. 17.5 a Secluded nook, near to the
C. R. Huggup Esqr. Sea Shore, And about 1/2 of a
Old Danish } adopted Mile Southeast of Bamburgh
Burying Ground } Castle, And appears to have been
enclosed by a bank on the
east Side. There are no ap-
-pearance of graves, the ground
being Completely levelled. It is
by Some, Supposed to be Danish
from the appearance of the
Skulls &c taken out of it.
Castle Links Castle Links Mr. William Carr On Sheets A portion of Rough pasture,
Castle Links Mr. Hugh Ross 16.8 & And bent grass, which nearly
Castle Links Mr. James Dunse 17.5 Surrounds Bamburgh Castle,
And extends, from "Mill Burn"
to "Redbarns Links" It is the
property of the Trustees, of the
late Lord Crewe.

Note: No heading; unsigned

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Transcribed by HL and DW

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