[Bamburgh 32 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Dukesfield Duke’s Field Estate Map On Sheet 16.8 A Neat, Small Farmhouse,
Dukesfield Mr. Chas Lilburn (Tenant) pleasantly Situated on an
Dukesfield Mr. George Turnbull. eminence, and having gardens
Dukesfield Chas Taylor Esqr. Bamburghfriars. And Suitable Offices attached.
It is The property of the
Duke of Northumberland.
Ladycross Dales Ladycross Dales Estate Map. A long,Narrow, Arable
Ladycross Dales Mr. George Turnbull field, Situated, a Short
Ladycross Dales A. Hills Esqr. Agent distance North of "Dukesfield"
Not to be written on the Plan. And west of Bamburgh.
If there ever was a Cross
here, its Position has been
completely lost, as it is not now
Known to the oldest Inhabitants.
Drawkiln Hill Drawkiln Hill Estate Map. On Sheets An oblong, hill feature
Drawkiln Hill Mr. George Turnbull 16.7 in an arable in the west
Drawkiln Hill A. Hills Esqr. Agent 16.8 & Side of Brada Plantation.
16.12 It got this name from there having
been lime, burned here in Draw
Kilns. It is The property of
Greenwich Hospital.

Note: No heading; unsigned

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Transcribed by HL and DW

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