[Bamburgh 196 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Newstead Newstead Estate Map On Sheet A good farmhouse, having
Newstead F. Holland Esqr. 21.11 garden, suitable offices
Newstead R.C. Burnett Esqr. hinds’ houses, smithy, and
Newstead Mr. James Chirnside large arable farm attached.
(Tenant) It is The property of the
Duke of Northumberland
Commonflat Commonflat Estate Map On Sheet A small house, on the
Commonflat F. Holland Esqr. 21.11 farm of Rosebrough, and
Commonflat R.C. Burnett Esqr. having a small garden
Commonflat Mr. James Chirnside (Tenant) attached. This was at one
time a sepearate farm.
Commonflat Commonflat Estate Map On Sheets A large tract, recently
Plantation Plantn 21.11 & planted, with fir trees,
Commonflat F. Holland Esqr. 21.15 on the South, and east &c
Plantn of Commonflat, hence
Commonflat R.C. Burnett Esqr. the name.
Commonflat Mr. James Chirnside (Tenant)

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Transcribed by HL

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