[Bamburgh 174 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
[#] Stone Closes Estate Map Six large Arable Fields, on
Stone Closes Mr. John Taylor, Occupier the North & South side of "Swinhoe Burn"
Stone Closes Mr. William Watson and about 1/2 a mile Northeast
Not to be written on the Plan of Fleetham. They are The prop
-erty of the Trustees of the Late
Lord Crewe, and others.
Alnwick Ford Alnwick Ford Mr. George Pyle On Sheet A Ford, at the Northwest Corner
Alnwick Ford Mr. John Taylor 22.5 of Ely Moor, where the burn
Alnwick Ford Mr. Isaac Tunnah – Swinhoe Cottage. called "Long Nanny" crosses an
old township road, which is
said to have been the principal
road between "Berwick" and
"Alnwick", hence the name.
Ely Moor Ely Moor Estate Map On Sheets Three, large, arable fields, in the
Ely Moor Mr. Isaac Tunnah 22.5 & Northwest corner of Swinhoe Township
Ely Moor Mr. George Pyle 22.9 it was at one time, an open moor,
Mr. John Taylor. but is now good arable land. There
was about 40 years ago, a large
portion of it planted.
It is The property of the Heirs of
the J Tewart Esqr.

Note: No Header Unsigned

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Transcribed by HL

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