[Bamburgh 172 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Crutch Bog Crutch Bog Estate Map On Sheets A long narrow stripe of Bogland
Crutch Bog Mr. William Marshall 21.8 & on each side of "Crutch Hill, and
Crutch Bog Mr. James Marshall 21.12 through the South end of which
Crutch Bog Mr. George Pyle the North E.Railway passes. (It is
bounded at this end by a stream
called "Long Nanny")- before the
removal of "Crutch Hill", this
Bog was very wet, and a Complete
Morrass, but is now quite dry, and
tollerable pasture. (See Crutch Hill)
Newham Burn Newham Burn Estate Map On Sheets This burn, is the continuation
Newham Burn Mr. William Marshall 21.8 & of "Hagg Burn", it flows in a
Newham Burn Mr. James Marshall 22.5 southeast direction and bears
Newham Burn Mr. George Pyle this name from where it passes
under the Railway to the northeast
corner of "Crutch Bog", where it
empties itself into "Long Nanny"

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Transcribed by HL

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