[Bamburgh 154 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Toddling Knowe Toddling Knowe Estate Map. On Sheets A prominent Knoll, in
Toddling Knowe Mr.James Marshall 21.7 & an arable field, on the
Toddling Knowe F.Holland Esqr. 21.8 farm of ‘Henhill’, and on
the south side of Bradley
Moor., (Origin of name unknown)
Cottage Inn Cottage Inn Board On Sheet A small roadside Public
Cottage Inn Mr.John Turnbull 21.8 house, on the turnpike road
Cottage Inn Mr. Robt Atkinson leading from Belford to Aln
Mr.A.Wightman -wick, and nearly 1/2 a mile south
of "Warenford"[.] It is The property
of Mr John Turnbull.
Isabella’s Mount Isabella’s Mount P.Selby Esqr. On Sheet A rocky eminence, of small
Isabella’s Mount Mr.John Turnbull. Owner 21.8 extent, but of Considerable elev
Isabella’s Mount Mr.Ralph Turnbull -ation, and having on its sum
-mit, the remains of an old
"British Camp"
This name is not very well
known. The hill being better
known as Mack’s Hill, Mack
being the name of a former Tenant
or Occupier of it.

Note: No Header Unsigned

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Transcribed by HL

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