[Bamburgh 136 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Annstead Annstead Estate Map On Sheet A very neat farmhouse, situ-
Annstead John Railston Esqr. 22.2 ated near to the Sea Shore,
Annstead Mr.Rice Forsyth (Steward) and on the road leading from
Annstead Mr.Andrew Ainsley, Shepherd Beadnell to N.Sunderland.
There are garden, extensive
offices, hinds’ houses, and
arable farm attached. It is,
in the Occupation of the
proprietor, Dr. Marshall,
Chatton Park.
Annstead Links Annstead Links Estate Map On Sheets A Stripe of Rough pasture,
Annstead Links John Railston Esqr. 17.14 & sand, and benthills along
Annstead Links Mr. Rice Forsyth (Steward) 22.2 the Sea Shore, on the farm
Annstead Links Mr. Andrew Ainsley, Shepherd of "Annstead." It extends from
"Linkhouse" to "Annstead Burn".
Linkhouse Linkhouse Estate Map On Sheet A neat, small house,
Linkhouse John Railston Esqr. 22.2 at the south end of Annstead
Linkhouse Mr. Rice Forsyth (Steward) Links, and on the road lead-
Linkhouse Mr. Andrew Ainsley, Shepherd -ing from Beadnell, to ["]North
Sunderland", It is The property
of Dr. Marshall.

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Transcribed by HL

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