[Bamburgh 128 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Beadnell Tower Beadnell Tower Revd. Mr. Cumby, Beadnell On Sheet An old tower, in the north
Beadnell Tower Mr. Thomas Whittle, Occupier 22.2 -west end of the Village of
Beadnell Tower Mr. John Railston Esqr. "Beadnell". It was very sub-
Beadnell Tower Mr. John Bolton, Postmaster -stantially built. The walls
being about 6 feet in
thickness, and was three
stories high, but a portion
has been taken off the north
wall to make it harmonize
with a house which was
erected against its south side, and
to give the whole, a more
modern appearance.
It was used as a Signal
Tower, between the Castles
of Bamburgh, and
The date of its erection
is unknown. It is The
property of Mr Wood of
"Tughall Hall".

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Transcribed by HL

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