[Bamburgh 12 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
The Bight The Bight Mr. Andrew Henderson, Budle Cottage On Sheet A Curve in the Shore, And
The Bight Mr. Thomas Smart 16.7 having high sloping banks on the
The Bight Mr. George Robson land side, situated south of
"Kiln Point", And west of Budle
there is safe Anchorage here.
Kiln Point Kiln Point Mr. Andrew Henderson, Budle Cottage On Sheet A bend in the Shore, a short
Mr. Thomas Smart 16.7 distance North of "The Bight", and
Mr. George Robson Northwest of "Budle". It is well known
to Ships, Making up the bay to
Waren Mill. It gets this name
from there being a Lime Kilm here.
Chesterhill Chesterhill Estate Map On Sheet A Neat, And Substantial dwelling,
Chesterhill Mr. Chas Borthwick, Tenant 16.7 pleasantly situated on an emi-
Chesterhill Mr. John Todd – Steward -nince, from which a good prospect
Chesterhill Whellan’s Directory may be obtained, there are very
extensive, And well arranged
offices, hinds houses, garden,
And large Arable Farm attached.
It is the property of Greenwich

Note: No heading; unsigned

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Transcribed by HL and DW

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