[Bamburgh 114 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Bogfield Plantation Bogfield Plantation List of Field Names On Sheet A narrow strip of Plantn
Bogfield Plantation Mr. William Anderson. Tenant 21.3 on the borth side of Chuck-
Bogfield Plantation Mr. Josiah Davidson – -bridge Burn, and extending
eastward, from Chuckbridge
Plantation, for the length of one
sfield, and along the east side
of the latter. It gets this name
from, this field being called
Bog Field.
Howe Water Howe Waters Tithe Map. On Sheet A portion of the Waren
Howe Water Revd. M Thompson 21.3 Burn, which flows through
Howe Water Mr. John Archbold, Tenant a ravine, or hollow, and it
bears the name from the
boundary of Warenford to
the South end of Duncan’s
Camp Camp Revd. M Thompson On Sheet The remains of an Old
(Remains of) (British) Mr. John Archbold, Tenant 21.3 Camp on the west side of
(Remains of) Mr. John Grange Waren Burn, and about 3/4 of
a mile south of Lucker, on the
southeast side, the defence, was partly
natural, and partly artificial, the north
east side, appears to have been open, and
the west, was a triple ditch and vallum.
The inner one being still perfect.

Note: No header; unsigned

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Transcribed by HL

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