[Bamburgh 112 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Duncan’s Chambers Duncan’s Chambers Estate Map. A pasture enclosure on the
Duncan’s Chambers Revd. M Thompson. south side of the Village of
Duncan’s Chambers Mr. J. Archbold Lucker, bounded on the east
Duncan’s Chambers Mr. John Grange, Lucker, and north by Waren Burn.
Not to be written on the Plan. It is The property of the Duke
of Northumberland.
Origin of this name
Tut Law Tutt Law Revd. M Thompson. On Sheet A hill feature, in an
Tutt Law Mr. J. Archbold 21.3 arable field, on the east
Tutt Law Mr. John Grange, Lucker, side of Lucker Village, and
Tut Law Estate Map. in Lucker Southfarm.
Tut Law F. Holland Esqr The origin of this name is
Alnwick Castle unknown, but I am of the
Tut Law John Archbold opinion, that it might be
Tout Law, or where the Villagers
used to Blow the Horn &c
Ely Well Ely Well List of Field Names On Sheet A, good, and old Spring
Ely Well Mr. William Anderson, Tenant 21.3 Well, in a good Pasture field a
Ely Well Mr. Josiah Davidson – short distance southeast of
Adderstone. "Adderstone". There are pipes laid
from it to Adderstone Hall, for the
purpose of supplying the latter with
Water. Origin of name unknown.

Note: No header; unsigned

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Transcribed by HL

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