[Bamburgh 110 of 212]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Cock Ridge Cock Ridge Tithe Map On Sheet A hill feature in an arable
Cock Ridge Mr. John Archbold 21.3 field on Lucker Southfarm
Cock Ridge Mr. Thomas Paxton and about 1/2 a mile southwest
of the farmhouse. This is sup
posed to have been, where an
open Common, much frequented
by moor fowl – (hence the name)
Waren Burn Waren Burn P.Selby Esqr. Twizell Ho. On Sheets A considerable stream, having
Waren Burn George Selby Esqr. Alnwick 16.3 its source in the moors, of Chatton
Waren Burn Revd M. Thompson. 16.7 & forms the boundary, between, that
Warren Burn A. Hills Esqr. Howick 16.11 parish, and the parish of Bamburgh
Warn Burn County Map 16.15 for a short distance – then flowing
21.3 eastward past Twizell House, through
21.6 & Warenford, thence to to Lucker,
21.7 where its water supplies a Cornmill
after which it flows past Bradford,
thence to Spindleston, where ano-
-ther good Mill is erected and
which it also supplies with
Water, and finally empties itself
into Budle Bay – at Waren
Mill – after which, between High at its junction with
and Low Water Ross Low, it take the name of
Budle Water.

Note: No heading; unsigned

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Transcribed by HL

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