[Bamburgh 1 of 212]


Parish of Bamburgh

List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Budle Water Budle Water John Bolam Esqr. On Sheets This is the continuation of Waren Burn,
W. Lowry Esqr. 16.3 & and bears this name from where
Adam Henderson, Budle Cottage 16.4 "Waren Burn" and "Ross Low" unite
down to Low Water.
Vessels can sail up this water at
High Tides as far as "The Bight", and
Small Crafts as far as Waren Mill.
This water runs very close to the Budle
Side of the Bay, or inlet, leaving a
great extent of sand on the North
or Ross Side.
These is a small Quay on the East
side of Heather House, about half
a mile from Low Water Mark. where
Vessels frequently put in with coal,
and for taking in Corn, Flour &
other Farm produce.
W. Beatty CA

Note: Signature in header

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Transcribed by HL and DW

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