[Alwinton 338 30 of 178]


Parish of Alwinton Sheet 34B Part 8.

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Ad Fines Camp. (Continued) last named are in excellent preservation.
The above appears to be of a more recent
date than any of the other Camps
as the Fosse and gateways are so well
On the east of the last named Camp
and west of and adjoining the Watling Street
are the remains of a small Camp nearly
square, its area is Considerably raised above
the surrounding ground. it is defended
by three ramparts one enclosing the inner
area the other two are between the outer
side of the fosse and the rampart which
surrounds the area, these two ramparts
form a fosse. There are evident traces of
a gateway on the east side, the southern
part of this entrenchment is much defaced,
Oon the south of the last mentioned Camp
are visible remains of a small defence.
It consists of a Ditch, the whole of which
is in a good state of preservation.
John Davison
Sapper Royal Engineers

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