< | List of Names as written on the Plan |
Various modes of Spelling the same Names |
Authority for those modes of Spelling |
Situation | Descriptive Remarks, or other General Observations which may be considered of Interest |
> |
Mushroom | Mushroom | Mr. John Smith | about 5 chains N.W. | A few very old dwelling houses consisting | ||
Mushroom | Mr. John Young | of St Peter’s Quay | of an extensive Bottle Works. The ruins of an | |||
Mushroom | Mr. R. Thompson | old ch |
dwelling houses out houses and Yards | ||||||
Mushroom Bottle Works | Mushroom Bottle Works | Mr. John Smith | North |
houses and Yards for the purpose of manufac[turing] | ||
Mushroom Bottle Works | Mr. John Young | bottles | ||||
Mushroom Bottle Works | Mr. R. Thompson | |||||
Plummer’s Row | Plummer’s Row | Mr. John Smith | N.E. of |
A row of ordinary dwelling houses and | ||
Plummer’s Row | Mr. John Young | one public house. | ||||
Plummer’s Row | Mr. R. Thompson | |||||
Felix Gillespie CA |
Abbreviations are underlined like this RE and the expansion may be seen by hovering the cursor over the abbreviation.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering the cursor over it. |
Transcribed by PT and JMCN
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