[Alnwick 336 9 of 34]


List of names collected by Private Henry A Neely R. S. and M.

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Low Moor F. Holland Esq Alnwick Land
Lower Moor on All that portion of Alnwick
Trace 5 Sheet 2 Moor which lies between Aln-
Lower Moor mouth Turnpike Road and
on Trace 3 – the Moor Burn
Which is correct?
Stub[b?]y Moor F. Holland Esq Alnwick Land
A small portion of Low
Moor situate between the
Herds House, Stoney Path
and Moor burn
Moor Burn Mr Geo. Tate Postmaster Alnwick Stream
A small stream which
rises in Alnwick Moor &
flowing in a North Easterly direction
enters Huln Park at Moor Burn
Bridge where it receives the name
of Stocking burn
Stamps Stile Mr Geo. Tate Postmaster Alnwick A stile
A stile on the East side of
Stubly Moor
G. Gilmour
Serjeant R. S. and M.
17 July 1851

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Transcribed by CC and SMH

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