[Alnwick 336 28 of 34]


List of Names collected by

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Whinny Knowes Mr Geo. Tate Postmaster Alnwick Alnwick Two small hills or hillocks divided by a small
stream. They have a green appear-
ance being covered with grass &
a few whin bushes
Outer Moor Mr Geo. Tate Postmaster Alnwick Alnwick Moor
All that portion of Alnwick
Moor which lies on the south
& west side of a stone wall
running from Freemen’s Gate to Moorhouse Burn
Horse Close Mr Geo. Tate Postmaster Alnwick Alnwick An enclosure in the North side
of North hill
North Hill Mr Geo. Tate Postmaster Alnwick Alnwick A hill
The high ground in the North
of Outer Moor chiefly covered
with heath
Cloudy Crags Mr Geo. Tate Postmaster Alnwick Alnwick rocks
Sand stone rocks on the
West side of Alnwick Moor
They are principally in the
adjoining Township
G. Gilmour
Serjeant R. S. and M.
18 July 1851

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Transcribed by CC and SMH

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