[Alnwick 336 12 of 34]


List of names collected by Private Henry Neely R. S. and M.

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Stocking Wood F. Holland Esq Alnwick Huln Park A wood
An extensive wood at the
East end of Huln Park
consisting chiefly of forest
trees. The property of His Grace
the Duke of Northumberland
The Duches school F. Holland Esq Alnwick Cannongate A school
The Duchess’s School A Female school, instituted and supported
by the Duchess of Northumberland, at
which 50 girls are taught, reading, writing
arithmetic, sewing, knitting & marking, free.
They are all dressed in green frocks, straw
bonnets, & white tippets, & are otherwise re-
warded according to merit by His Grace.
Quarry Hill F. Holand Esq Alnwick Alnwick A portion of arable land
Quarry Hills adjoining Stocking gate. The pro-
perty of His Grace the Duke of North
-umberland and others.
Little Field F. Holland Esq Alnwick Alnwick A grass field in the N.E.
corner of Alnwick Moor
the property of the freemen
of Alnwick
G. Gilmour
Serjeant R. S. and M.
17 July 1851

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Transcribed by CC and SMH

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