[Alnwick 334 46 of 123]


Alnwick Parish Sheet 31 Plan 15

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Townlaw Cairn Townlaw Cairn Mr Wright Moor Shepherd 42 Chains South A conical topped hill
Townlaw Cairn Mr Richard Pringle of Redside Very conspicuous on the western
Townlaw Cairn Mr Robert Harvey border of Alnwick Moor
Townlaw Cairn Mr Thomas Gibson here the Laws of Alnwick Town
Townlaw Cairn F Holland Esqr used formerly to be read once a year
Townlaw Cairn W Elliot, Moor Bailiff (on Freemen’s Well day) to the Freemen
Townlaw Cairn A local plan of the Moor & the Duke of Northumberland’s Bailiffs
Townlaw Cairn G Tate Esqr hence the name.
RedSide RedSide Mr Richard Pringle 42 Chains North a Strip of moorland
RedSide Mr Robert Harvey of Townlaw Cairn running parallel to the
RedSide Mr Thomas Gibson Parish Boundary on the west
of Alnwick Moor
F. McRae
Sapper RE

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Transcribed by CTW and PW

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