[Berwick 13 of 86]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
River Tweed River Tweed Fullertons Gazetteer The Tweed has its source in a paltry fountain called
of Scotland "Tweed Well" a little above the farmhouse of
Map of Berwick Tweedshaws and at the foot of a hill
Map of Roxburgh named Tweed’s Cross on the southwest boun-
Map of Scotland dary of the Parish of Tweedsmuir Peebles-
shire. The well is half a mile from Lanark
shire on the west the same distance from Dumfriesshire on the south and 1500
feet above the level of the sea. From other sides of the hill where it springs up
proceed rills to the gathering or incipient volumes of the Clyde and the Annan Yet
not such as can with any justice be pronounced more than secondary head streams
of these rivers Over 22 miles from its source the Tweed runs prevailingly northeastward
and over the remaining 14 miles of the Peeblesshire part of its course in the direction
of east by south. During its connexion with Selkirkshire it continues as in the
later part of course in Peeblesshire to run prevailingly eastward till the last 9 or
10 miles and over these it runs in the direction of North east by east. In a small
part of this run it divides Selkirkshire from Roxburghshire and in two places

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Transcribed by PF and PT

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