[Alwinton 338 31 of 178]


Parish of Alwinton Sheet 34B Part 8

There is one loose paper following sheet 31. Here it is

P.S.O. Newcastle 34B Part 8
5th December 1862
Nether Witton
Remark B on 34B 8th Decr 1862
Parish of Alwinton
Remarks has not been
attended to; Have
the goodness to Correct "Chimney Sike" is the
and return the docu- name by which it is known.
ments as soon as if I do not err it appears
possible so written on Maclachlan’s
34B B "Chimney Sike plans. in any case
on this trace is called "March Sike" is not
March Sike on the Roxburgh a proper name , and
Shire plans make the should not be adopted,
documents agree" [???] as it is
against the usual
practice to write it.
Not on Maclauchlans plan
Thomas Jordan N. Clabby
2nd Corpl RE Corpl RE
Corporal Clabby Lt H. S. Sitwell
REngrs RE
[Signature below applies to main p. 31, rather than loose paper]
John Davison Sapper Royal Engineers

Abbreviations are underlined like this RE and the expansion may be seen by hovering the cursor over the abbreviation.

An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering the cursor over it.

Transcribed by ARJC

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