[Haltwhistle 374 100 of 216]


Sheet 82 Plan 16 Haltwhistle Parish

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Allolee Allolee Mr Campbell Haltwhistle 40 Chains S.E A small farm house with
Allolee Mr Heatly Walltown of Walltown outoffices and land attached
Allolee Mr Wm Atkinson Haltwhistle situated about 10 chains south
Allolee Mac Lauchlans Map of Roman Wall of the Roman Wall the
Allalee MacLauchlan Memoir of Roman Hall property of G. H. Coulson Esqr.
Blake Law Blake Lawe Mr Robson Low Town 20 Chains South A Narrow ridge of land
Blake Lawe Mr Heatley of Allolee south of Allolee
Blake Lawe Mr Nixon
Nine Nicks of Nine Nicks of Mr Campbell 13 Chains N.W A long conspicuous eminence
Thirlwall Thirlwall Mr Lowes Chester of Allolee or range of hills having a
Nine Nicks of Mr Robson very steep rocky scar at
Thirlwall the north side so called
Nine Nicks of Mr C. Wilson from the number of gaps in
Thirlwall it which forms nine nicks
or knowes the Roman
Wall runs along the Top of
this ridge of land.
M. Costelloe
Civil Assistant

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Transcribed by PW and CTW

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